We are happy to announce our next meetup which will take place on Tuesday, May 15th 2018 and will be hosted by Loyalty Partner Solutions GmbH (LPS)!

This meetup will be all about application performance monitoring (APM). The first speaker will be Stefan Kuehnel a Software Architect at LPS, who will share his experiences with APM in an AWS Cloud Environment. The second speaker will be Dr. Andreas Brunnert who will give you an overview of open source APM tools and standards.

Stefan Kuehnel (LPS): Application Performance Monitoring in an AWS Cloud Environment

The talk is about application performance monitoring in the AWS cloud using technologies like AWS X-Ray and AWS CloudWatch and how to connect these with external services like Grafana and Slack.

Andreas Brunnert (RETIT): Open Source APM Tools – An Overview of Tools and Standards

In this talk I will give you an overview of the wide variety of free APM tools available today. The talk will start with a classification of tools and available standards to give you some guidance on how to choose a proper tool. Afterwards we will cover the most popular tools and standards in more detail.

You can register for the event here. We are looking forward to meeting you there!