Wir freuen uns, Sie zu unserem sechzehnten Software Performance Meetup am 18.09.18 einzuladen!

Google wird dieses Meetup hosten und Doug Sillars wird über die Performance von mobilen Anwendungen sprechen, ein Thema das er auch in seinem Buch behandelt: http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920035053.do. Im zweiten Vortrag werden Reinhard Brandstädter (SAP Hybris) und Torsten Hellwig (360performance) über Performance-Monitoring in einer Multi-Tenant Cloud-Umgebung sprechen:

Performance of Mobile Apps (Doug Sillars)

Mobile apps and websites are now the predominant ways that users interact with brands. Research has shown that slow sites and apps lose customer engagement. Despite this, most mobile sites and apps have performance issues that can be easily resolved once diagnosed. I’ll walk through steps to diagnose network performance bottlenecks in mobile services. We’ll discuss real world examples, and how they were resolved. Attendees will leave this talk armed with the tools to test, diagnose and resolve the top network performance issues that affect mobile today.

Performance Monitoring in a Multi-Tenant Cloud Environment (Reinhard Brandstädter – SAP Hybris, Torsten Hellwig – 360performance)

In this talk we will present how SAP Hybris (now: SAP Customer Experience) monitors software performance in a multi-tenant cloud environment. We will cover the monitoring challenges that arise with multi-tenancy and how we handled them in the SAP Hybris software-as-a-service offering.

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