Wir freuen uns, Sie am 22.10.15 zum sechsten Software Performance Meetup begrüßen zu dürfen! Die codecentric AG ist so freundlich, dieses Meetup in ihren Räumlichkeiten zu hosten und uns danach zu einem Get-Together einzuladen! Wie immer gibt es an dem Abend zwei spannende Vorträge zum Thema Performance: Einmal aus der Forschungsperspektive und einmal aus Sicht der Industrie. Dieses mal erwarten Sie die folgenden beiden Beiträge:

Johannes Kroß/Felix Willnecker (fortiss GmbH):

Big Data Performance

Growing amounts of data and the demand to process them within time constraints have led to the development of big data systems. These systems are mostly built up from complementary big data technologies (such as Apache Kafka, Apache Hadoop, or Apache Storm) and evolve into complex system of systems. As a consequence, performance issues and high resource requirements occur frequently. The presentation will give an introduction to big data technologies, reveal core concepts and commonly used architectures such as the lambda architecture. From a scientific perspective, the presentation will also point out state-of-the-art performance research in relation to big data systems and give an overview of current research projects at fortiss GmbH.

Alexander Petrov (codecentric AG)

Introduction to Instana

We are working on Instana, a monitoring tool for a More Civilised Age. We are taking a completely new approach: we treat data semantically, we look at the data at a very high resolution, we use state-of-the-art machine learning tools to detect things that the human eye cannot capture. Alex is going to introduce Instana and talk about problems Instana is solving and how challenging and interesting it is to develop such a system.

Noch sind wenige Plätze frei, sichern Sie sich Ihre Teilnahme hier. Wir freuen uns, Sie dort zu treffen!