Wir freuen uns, Sie nach der Sommerpause am 27.09.16 zum neunten Software Performance Meetup begrüßen zu dürfen! Die codecentric AG ist so freundlich, dieses Meetup zu hosten und uns danach zu einem Get-Together einzuladen! Wie immer gibt es an dem Abend zwei spannende Vorträge zum Thema Performance – Dieses mal erwarten Sie die folgenden beiden Beiträge:

Martin Klier (Performing Databases GmbH): Performance is rarely an accident

The intention is, to show development teams, administrators and analysts, how beneficial it would be to think about performance at all, and that you’d need code instrumentation (=runtime meta information about application behavior) to get better. Martin will go from general Excellence over costs and implication of changes to the real craftsmanship of performance analysis.

Karsten Flott (AppDynamics): DevOps and Agile: APM in continuous integration environments

In todays dynamic and distributed environments where new builds get deployed weekly or daily an APM solution in place becomes more important than ever. Otherwise how you can recognize and identify performance and availability impacts caused by a new release? On the other hand, deploying an APM solution should be as easy as deploying a new build of an application, too. The live demonstration will present how easy you can deploy an APM solution as part of your application deployment model and how beneficial such an approach would be in regards of your application quality.

Noch sind wenige Plätze frei, sichern Sie sich Ihre Teilnahme hier. Wir freuen uns, Sie dort zu treffen!